Early pregnancy massage
Hi, I know it is recommended to go for prenatal massage only after 16weeks. However, I am currently at the 8th week and my back is hurting like crazy, does anyone have any recommendation for first trimester massage or did any first trimester massage before? Thankyou! #pleasehelp #pregnancy

Haha I had a rather intense/violent (unexpectedly so) full body massage that gave me quite a few bruises just a few days before I found out I was pregnant 😂 I was probably around 5-6 weeks pregnant then. Probably wouldn’t have gone for it had I known I was pregnant, but thankfully no issues thus far, currently in my 3rd trimester and all is well :) but yes - I’d say hold off that massage until at least mid 2nd trimester; think that’s what most massage places offering prenatal massage recommend as well
Read moreI had terrible backache during my 1st trimester. It was upper back pain. I tried multiple things, hot water bag, stretching etc. Nothing helped for me. Then i talked to my gynae & she prescribed me calcium & vid D supplements, and the pain was gone in 2 days. Talk to your gynae, she’ll assess your situation and advise accordingly.
Read moreEarly pregnancy massage has risks of a miscarriage thats why it's not recommended and normally they will refuse or afraid to massage women in the early stage. Recommended to do a massage only @ 20 weeks and above.
Recently I had a shoulder and legs massage at 15 weeks. Not even a prenatal massage. My body was aching so I had a simple legs and shoulder massage. Just need to inform the person that you’re pregnant.
go for a swim or walk in the water. i felt fatigue and had all the pains but after swimming my body felt much better and relax
better to be safe than sorry. please find other alternative to massage.