I know this is probably annoying.. But I think my daughter is very cute. I am sure you find your baby super cute too.. How do you deal with the desire to share and potentially annoying other people? =) (share your baby photo too, I'd find them damn cute too)

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Yeah... I thought I will never become "that person" but I think things change🤣

same too! always posting my kids photos!! hahahahha

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I love this thread!!!

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hi there, am using a lenovo android phone but can't seem to post pics to this thread
Seeing all the cute babies here make me happy so share away!
I love her so much that i cant live whiteout her

This is such a cute photo and is really not annoying at all :)
it really melt my heart when i see my LO smile

Here's my lil one with Mr Grumpy cat!

That is Super adorable!!
This is her I want food smile

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