Hi, May I know does using baby carrier hurts your shoulder? Is it I am wearing the wrong way? Or is it my LO is heavy for me body to handle the weight that's why it hurts? My lO is 7.9kg

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Pls join the babywearing Sg fb group. i think the expert mommies n daddies can help to troubleshoot. sometimes we maybe fastening the carrier at the less than ideal or wrong position, thus affecting our shoulders or back etc..

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can share which carrier you are using? For hurting, prolong carry usually i will find the strain on my back rather on my shoulder. Could it be the type of carrier u are using

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7y ago

I am using ergobaby 360 carrier

Does your carrier have a waist/hip strap? If so, baby's weight will be on your waist/hip and won't affect your shoulders after prolonged baby wearing.

hmmph i get it too. hurts my back. wonder if I'am wearing it wrongly too.

Adjust the buckles to the middle of your back like wearing a bra.

VIP Member

Probably baby is too low. try adjusting baby higher

Maybe you can try tula carrier?:)

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Does baby front face most of the time?

7y ago

no, my LO facing me all the time

me too but already used to it.