Early signs of miscarriage in first trimester
May I know does miscarriage usually comes with bleeding? Or any other symptoms? For eg, before knowing that the embryo and heartbeat cant be detected from an ultrasound, do you have any signs and symptoms prior to that?

I had miscarriage on April. I didn't have any bleeding at first...just very intense cramp that lasted for about 2 hrs.. then after few days I started spotting for 2 days and it stopped.. went for ultrasound few days later cudnt find any sac... I was supposed to be 6 weeks by that time.. but nothing was found on ultrasound.. beta HCG also dropped drastically.. then I started bleeding heavily only after a week since ultrasound... plus I noticed my pregnancy symptoms (sore boobs, headaches) were suddenly gone ever since I had the intense cramp.. that's why I know something is not right...
Read moreI didn't know I was pregnant until I saw a trusted GP for stomach cramps and unusual heartburn and bloatedness, he make me take a pregnancy test, I was already week 6. then I became really cautious with my movements. At week 8 to 9, I was admitted to kkh for a threatened miscarriage due to vaginal bleeding. i stayed for 2 nights and doc gave me duphaston to stabilise my pregnancy and advise on bedrest for 2 weeks. apart from my gest diabetes, All else was smooth until my baby boy was born almost 2 months ago.
Read morefirst trimester miscarriages that has not symptoms are missed miscarriages. you won't know until you get the scan. I had 2 missed miscarriages before I had my first born. There's nothing to be done to prevent it. Sometimes it is because the pregnancy is not viable. It is actually quite common. Just that people don't talk about it. I'm now in 3rd trimester for my second. Just be positive. Try not to feel stress or have negative thoughts.
Read moreI think it’s called chemical pregnancy , I think it comes with bleeding and cramps. But before knowing for sure, please don’t worry too much or think negatively. Sending positivity to you ✨