Clindamycin (antibiotics)
I kinda have a little bacteria going on below so doctor gave me a antibiotic (clindamycin) to consume for 7 days and it’s 2 times a days may I ask if anyone have this symptoms before ? Will the Med give any side effects ? Will u baby be okay from this ??

I was tested postive for BV today at week 13. did you eventually eat that pill ?can I check how long did you had that antibiotic for ? were you eventually cleared off ? I'm very hesitant to eat antibiotics as I'm not sure on the impact to baby too.
if the doctor aware you pregnant then should be okay, do ask the doc if you have any concerns .. i've gotten vaginal infection twice and was given pill to insert instead. was precribed by my gynae from KKH ..
antibiotics have very mild side effects, and you may or may not experience them. is the doctor aware of your pregnancy?