Signs of labour are these (but does not mean you'll go into labour immediately) : • Water bag burst • Bloody mucus Call the delivery suite and heed their advice. Don't go down straight cos you might be ask to go home if you're not in an active labour. Signs that you are going to labour : • Frequent contractions every 2-10 mins. Pain normally starts from the back then comes to the front and you'll feel a heavy pressure on your vagina. Time your contractions and if it is every 5 mins, can head down to the hospital quick. Don't confuse braxton hicks with contractions. BH is not painful, comes and goes for a few seconds and normally will go away when you change your position. While contractions is painful and will not go away no matter how you change your position. Super duper painful when your cervix is dilated more than 4cm. You'll literally trying to roll on the bed cos of the pain but then epidural is always there to ease the pain. Can even sleep throughout the painful contractions and you won't feel a thing.
Not gonna scare you but I’ve got to be honest contractions hurt like hell. It’s literally squeezing of the uterus deliberately. At least the most severe of menses cramps still bearable. I cannot tahan contractions it was hell. So so so painful for me.