I have witnessed an Indian Muslim woman forcing her 3 year child to wear burkha even while she was feeling suffocated. Does religion have to be so fanatic not to see a little one uncomfortable with it? What are your views parents on religious indoctrination?

This is a controversial subject only because faith means different things to different people. Whether it be wearing a particular type of cloth or eating a specific type of food, people often take it upon themselves to enforce their faith and values onto their kids. Most of the times, without as much as an explanation. You were witness to exactly this. Now, while I personally feel kids should be allowed to grow up as they deem fit and follow a faith they feel fits their ideology that's not what most parents want to do. I am sure even you teach your kids about your faith because that's all you know. As far as this particular incident is concerned, it may not be your place to advise the parent, unless it borders cruelty. Be cause the fact is that most faiths often impose ridiculous acts on young children so they are more inclined to their faith. Circumcision, mundan, baptism in cold water, are all such examples. So my suggestion is that if you feel strongly about how that mother should treat her daughter, please speak up whilst being respectful of her faith.
Read moreI may or may not be the right person to answer this, but I still will, especially as I absolutely agree to your feeling here. Both me and my husband are non-religious people, and we believe in doing good to others, instead of following any particular religion or belief. There have been countless occasions when I felt people, of different religions, have forced their children into dressing a certain way, or eating or thinking a certain way, that conforms to their idea of religion. Sadly, even though the kids follow, they may not always understand the meaning. I feel a child should be allowed to grow up and then decide whether or not to follow a certain religion.
Read moreFamous physicist, Steven Weinberg said, "Good people can do good and bad people can do evil. But for good people to do evil -- that takes religion." Sadly, religion has taken over our logical reasoning and not only that but human values too. We blindly follow religion. I think religion is to give values to your children and raise them in a way that they love and respect humanity than to make them puppets in the hands of religious doctrines.
Read moreAs per me it's totally depends on faith. So, each and every individuals has their on faith. It's not only for any specific religion like Muslim but also there are many different different views. Your point is valid. This should not be to happen because she is innocent child and whatever parents ask to do, simply they follow. We all even their parents also know that its uncomfortable for the child but they have their own faith.
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