I have joined parenting groups or mummys' group chats since 2013, after the birth of my first child. At first all was good, quite some tips and support from fellow mummies and members. Things took a plunge when my finances turned bad upon learning of my second pregnancy. I have been unemployed since first child's inability to adapt to his childcare environment - always falling ill - and it led to my resignation due to lack of family support for alternative caregiving and career suicide from taking too many leaves. Thereafter, I could no longer afford luxuries like traveling, even to Malaysia, or local playdates that require expensive entry to indoor playgrounds. While the other mummies were arranging high tea dates, I made known my financial status and didn't join. As a result, I no longer felt belonged and was often ignored or left out in group conversations. I felt like I was the only mummy asking for government subsidies and going for non private subsidised gynae. I am worried that without the usual support from fellow mummies, I may be depressed after childbirth. I had relied alot on the groups to get advice and solace for my first baby. Are there any parenting groups or useful hotlines which may not discriminate financially challenged mummies like me?

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