I have heard that if you have a blood group that is negative ( eg A- or B-), it means that you have a higher chance of being infertile. Please shed some light on this - is it true?!

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Hmm, it says that women with O blood type "struggle to conceive", but I'm an O and I conceived within 3 months without even trying. There's not much mentioned about how negative blood types affect fertility. Would like to know as well. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2010/oct/25/pregnancy-fertility-problems-blood-group

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I don't think blood term determines one's fertility potential. A closer look at the cervical mucus discharges during the cycle would certainly shed some light on the best days to try.

For me, I believe fertility is very much depending on the quality of the egg and sperms itself, and the right timings.
