I have this hard lump on one of my breast and it is sore when I touched it or during breastfeeding. is this considered blocked duct? any remedy to relief this?

Hi mummy, it might be a blocked duct. You can try the following which I also did when I have blocked duct. 1) During bath, allow the hot water to fall on your affected breast and at the same time massage in circular movement using your palm. (Note: Is the appropriate hot water temperature for bathing that I'm referring to). Infact it is good to do it before you breastfeed. 2) Massage and compress your breast with a warm towel on the affected area. If you have a thermal pad you can use that too. Afterwhich handexpress it. If not just latch your baby or pump it. 3) Your baby is your best and fastest solution to remove a blocked duct. Keep latching although it might be painful but got to bear with it. If baby not able to fully empty, good to pump it. Other solutions include engaging a massage lady to help you with the blocked duct. Or consult a LC. If the pain still persists after all these and you develop fever, got to see a doctor as it maybe breast infection/mastitis. Few links for you to read. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MsVI4q0ksHY http://www.babycenter.com/0_clogged-milk-ducts_8494.bc http://www.whattoexpect.com/plugged-milk-ducts.aspx
Read moreYes, it block duct. Are feeling pain or uncomfortable with it? If left untreated may cause fever or need go hospital drain out too. U can try having a hot bath, and use a comb to comb down to the direction to make it come out. Or use a hot towel to keep doing compressed, and squeeze it out. If very block, engage a massage lady to massage out for you. (Beware it's very pain!) If you latch, ask ur LO to latch it non-stop for you! And keep pumping out! If having fever, please see a GP and let them know, they will give you antibiotics to recover. And they will ask put to put a cold towel on the lump area to slow down the blood flow. If on antibiotics, don't need to engage massage lady, as it'll go away after a few days, just that keep latching and pump out.
Read moreSound like a blocked duct. I would do the following: 1) keep pumping(every 2/3 hourly)/latching (baby's latch can help to clear the clog) 2) take a hot bath. Massage during the bath. 3) if develop fever/chills, see a doctor for antibiotics. 4) if the clog still persist, engage a lactation consultant. Valerie Ng from mums fairy is good. Thereafter, taking lecithin may help to prevent clog ducts in the future.
Read moreu can use hot towel to compress it n squeeze out.