6 Replies

I ate durian in first, second and now third trimester. It is safe but be prepared for heartburn ? me and hubby hantu durian so usually we bought 2-3 durians and share. I ate 10 or more seeds.

Yeap it’s safe. But it’s extremely high is sugar content, so better to only take it moderately as preggies have a higher risk of gestational diabetes.

I just ate about 5 - 6 pcs durian. I’m afraid of gestational diabetes so after today I won’t be eating or probably 1 more time next month. ?

it is ok to eat durian in moderation.. take note that baby may grow more when we eat durian..

I'm a durian lover! it's safe to eat but I try to limit to 4 seeds max per round..

Can eat anytime, just in moderation as it has high sugar ☺️

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