Newborn baby - best cArrier

Hi, I have baba sling, ergo 360 with infant insert and amazonias sling. May I know should I get something else for newborn baby? Just wondering how should We carry baby home from hospital..last time, we used baba sling but I heard things like baba sling Not v good for baby breathing..

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Have you consider konny? I've heard that there's mummy with cranky baby and once they put baby in konny, baby sleeps for 5 hours straight. My LO currently is 7 weeks+ old, previously have colic issues at night, fussing and crying non stop and I nearly went berserk. So I tried to put her into my konny carrier, she stopped crying in 1 min! And sleep peacefully! Most importantly it's super easy to wear just like a t-shirt even though it works like a wrap.

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I can't recommend any products, but I'd say you can probably just stick with what you have first and wait until your baby is born then see if he/she is comfortable using it! I carried my son in my arms when we went back, told the taxi driver to drive really slowly and carefully while I held him tight :x My son never liked any carrier or sling so it's always been just with our arms!

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The most suitable baby carriers for babies from newborn to 5 months are the baby ring slings and baby wraps.These can be used with ease with average size newborns, allowing babies to curl up in froggy style or cradle carry position with good neck support for the baby before they develop neck control!

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Ergobaby Omni 360 is suitable for newborns. To bring newborn home from hospital, best to use car seat. Don’t risk as accidents may occur and car seats are the best and proven effective way to reduce risk in an accident

VIP Member

Don’t have any advice for you cause when my baby was still a newborn, i either carried her or put her into her car seat. Maybe you can try asking the mummies in this group if you don’t get enough response here ◡̈

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Super Mum

I used ergo and konny since baby was born


Konny and tula