11 Replies

It's fantastic that your son has a passion for reading, even if it's mainly comic books right now. At 12, it's crucial to nurture his love for storytelling while also broadening his horizons. One way to bridge the gap between comics and "real" books could be to introduce him to graphic novels or manga with deeper narratives. Additionally, websites like https://manwha-sololeveling.com/ offer engaging content like "Solo Leveling" that blends the visual excitement of comics with compelling storylines. Encouraging him to explore diverse genres and formats might naturally lead him to discover "real" books with substance that resonate with his interests.

It's fantastic that your son has a passion for reading, even if it's mainly comic books right now. At 12, it's crucial to nurture his love for storytelling while also broadening his horizons. One way to bridge the gap between comics and "real" books could be to introduce him to graphic novels or manga with deeper narratives. Additionally, websites like https://manwha-sololeveling.com/ offer engaging content like "Solo Leveling" that blends the visual excitement of comics with compelling storylines. Encouraging him to explore diverse genres and formats might naturally lead him to discover "real" books with substance that resonate with his interests.

VIP Member

Perhaps you could get a book in the genre of the comic book i.e. if its a Marvel comic book, then you could get him a graphic novel and subsequently move him on to books with more words and less pictures. Alternatively, if the reason for him wanting to only read comic books is due to the short phrases, bring him to the library and get a recommendation from the librarian for age appropriate books for him.

Salom, onlayn kazіno o'zbekiston saytida mavjud bo'lgan turli xil slot o'yinlari meni hayratda qoldirdi. O'zbekistondan turli xil slotlardan foydalanish men uchun muhim. Sayt har birida o'ziga xos mavzular va qiziqarli o'yinni o'z ichiga olgan slot o'yinlarining keng tanlovini taklif etadi. Immersive grafika va ovoz effektlari umumiy tajribaga qo'shib, har bir o'yinni yanada qiziqarli qiladi.

Read with him. Let him pick a book and your read a page and let him read a page (aloud) make it fun. Start with harry Potters if you have to!

If your boy is 12, this is a lovely book to read with him...my nephews who are the same age loved it.

Love Harry Potter as well! It's fun for both kids and adults. We like to make it a family activity in our house.


Try the series Geronimo Stilton or PRE-teens Detective series ... might catch his interest

VIP Member

Find out what themes in the comic books does he enjoy and buy him similar genre books?
