Leg cramp
I had a leg cramp yesterday but still feeling the pain till now. Any ways to make the pain go away?

Get your significant other to massage it for you! My husband did it to me, he will massage it every single day. Get the best massage oil, which provides muscle relief/soreness.
Whenever I experience leg cramp when laying down, I immediately get up and stand. It helps with the blood circulation and it won't hurt anymore!
Massage, a warm compress and gentle stretching of the muscle will help make the pain go away. Hope you feel better soon!
Massage daily and wear long pants and socks help alot by keeping your legs and feet warm
Stretching helps! Also can try to sleep with your legs slightly elevated.
I get my hub to massage my legs and shoulder every night before sleep
Raise your legs on pillow Go massage Soak in hot water
Move ur leg around so that blood circulation is better
That's where the husband comees inn
Try massaging and drink warm water.