I had health check last week and doctor find gall stones. Should I remove it before having another child? Would it impact my next pregnancy?

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Having gallstones is unlikely to affect your chances of getting pregnant. Pay attention to your diet if you got pregnant to minimize the chances of an attack. Here are some dietary guidelines you may find useful (from: http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/QAA400865/Can-Gallstones-Complicate-Pregnancy.html): - Reduce fat intake to 25 percent of daily calories and restrict dietary cholesterol consumption to no more than 300 mg daily. - Limit your intake of sugar (these may promote gallstone formation) - Increase fiber intake, and substitute whole soy-based protein for animal protein in diet. - Consider taking 500-700 mg of calcium, which binds bile acids in the digestive tract and decreases the risk of stone formation. Discuss with your doctor to find out what is his/her recommendation on this issue.

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