I got a little lazy over the long weekend (4 days for me) and I latched/pumped less often. dragged the intervals to 5-6 hours (used to be 4). I could pump about 200ml (both boobs) every session before. now I can only pump between 70-150ml per session! left boob also feels bruised at the bottom. help! should I intro formula? baby is 7-months old and on full bm so far.

If there is really nothing for the baby to drink, then u definitely would need to intro fm but that is also up to u as at 7 months old, baby could have started taking solids already and depends on how much solids baby is on. Depends on what u want for ur BF journey. If u want to continue longer then maybe u should start pumping back the regular sessions, take some of ur will-work milk boosters and latch baby more. If u want to cut down gradually to D-day that is quite near alrdy, then I suppose there's not too much of a concern. I personally used fm from very beginning and baby has been on mix feed thus far (6 months now) so it's up to u. It's not poison, it's an option Try not to use stuff that has fenugreek tho - it can cause a gassy baby - but that depends on ur baby too
Read moreThe decision to introduce formula is a really personal choice. Bm production is really a matter of demand and supply, it seems like because you lowered your pumping frequency, it's sending a signal to your body that less milk is required, hence, the decreased output. If you decide to continue on exclusively breastfeeding, you can try the various ways to increase your bm supply by power pumping or taking some galactagogues like overnight oats or fenugreeks. http://kellymom.com/hot-topics/pumping_decrease/ Jiayou and well done for exclusively breastfeeding for the past 7 months!
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