I giving my 7 months LO fruit s puree ready made type. Yesterday LO went for injections and the nurse asked me what did I feed LO. I say milk 150ml about 3hrs and I give fruit puree once day let LO let LO try the taste of it. And the nurse was so shocked and keep saying must give cereal and porridge already lei, let him eat twice a day if LO like it. I say puree is okay right? She say no no must give LO porridge and can give egg and a lot of other food she lost down. I was shocked and I wondering isn't doctor suppose to be the one telling me when to let LO try egg and those allergy food to see reaction? But the nurse say is okay one. Just let you LO eat don't just give him milk. I not sure because I know that before 1 years old milk is the main food. Solid food just let him try and give abit not too much , as I worry he cannot take it too much. I not sure. Don't know should I.listen to the nurse anot?

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I agree and disagree some. Before 6 months, milk only. Start intro food from 6 months, some start earlier at 4 or 5 months, due to doc recommendation and stuff. 6 months onwards, u have to slowly but surely increase the solids intake. U need to intro simple single fruits and veg purée from 6th month...then gradually move to combination flavor, some Asian cultures give porridge w fish/chicken...slowly but surely u have to increase and milk is supplementary in the 6m-12m period. U have to keep in mind that by the time 8 months baby shld be starting to move towards Lumpy food and by 12months, baby is more or less on 3 solid meals with snack/milk in between. So if u haven't been giving enough, pls do. I think can listen to The nurse somewhat and u can verify with doctor. Most of the time nurse will advise quite well and doctors just forget to advise us such things unless we specifically ask abt it

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