I give up. My baby has been falling sick ever since he was enrolled in infant care when he was 7 months old. 3 months have passed and he has been falling sick and recover, then fall sick again etc. Really very heart pain. I feel like I've failed as a mom for allowing him to go through so much sickness but I have no choice, need to work as we are financially not able to have jus a sole breadwinner. Feeling very sad. Wonder if I should pull him out from infant care but I'll still be stuck with who to help me take care when I'm at work :(

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I feel you. I'm considering quitting. I see bb get well and then shortly after sick again and it affects her sleep too cos running nose or phelgm. I'm troubled by this and i think no matter how clean the ifc is, there are so many babies there, the germs will just spread. I can only console myself by thinking even staying home, it does not guarantee bb dont fall sick. Still I'm thinking to quit when i can.

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9y ago

I totally feel you too.. Exactly What I've been gg through.. If financially you are okie, then can consider quitting .. How old is your LO?