Loss of appetitie.
Hi, i will get very hungry but my appetite is going haywire. I try a lil bit of snacks like biscuit or fruit but its not working i will feel nausea. And having a bad headache + dizzyness. What should i do? Is it normal for 6 week pregnancy?

same as me when i was pregnant. i literally dropped from 47kg to 32kg in my 1st tri. but i wasnt having other symptoms, just dont feel like eating as more to stress at work. maybe you could tell your gynae abt this? she'll be more than happy to help you to get thru this period of time.
Same with me :( everything tastes bitter for me and feel nausea all the time. No choice but just have to try eat abit in smaller portions. Like crackers, digestive , fruits etc
Check w doctor. Headache n dizzy could be due to anemia.
Best to consult your gynaecologist take care!
Hey, Better to consult your gynae for this
Normal.. i ate plain biscuits as snacks
Momsy of 1 sunny little heart throb