My 11 month baby does not want milk anymore . I usually prepared 150ml but she will drink less only ard 40ml . She does not eat much also . Drink water also not alot . Nothing is wrong with her , she still seem happy and active . She started to dont want milk when 9 months old. She drinks fm anyway . Now getting worst. Any mummy experience this?#pleasehelp #advicepls #bottlefeed
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Hi mummies i went to check up for 21 weeks ystd and the doctor told me my baby is quite small for 21 week, below healthy range and there is slightly small structure on baby brain it maybe because my baby is small or something else . Did anyone have a small baby before? How did you get it to be big and healthy? I cant have maternal milk because im anemia. Im very worried any advice on experience mummies? #pleasehelp #advicepls #pregnancy
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