Week 6 question
6 weeks going 7 weeks Felt fatigue and nausea started at end of week 5 and early part of week 6 but it has been 4 days since I feel fine ( like my most of my nausea and fatigue have gone ) I’m not sure if symptoms should be away for this long. What will you do?

Hey mummy, not sure if I understood your question correctly but seems like your pregnancy symptoms have gone away that's why you're worried? My advice is to just err on the side of caution - if you are worried then just pop in to your gynae for a check / call the clinic and ask if you need to go in to see doc. But generally just wanted to share that I barely had any symptoms like vomiting etc during my pregnancy so may just be your body and experience too - best is check w gynae that pregnancy is healthy then you have a peace of mind that you're possibly just having a great pregnancy experience or if got something wrong at least it's diagnosed early too
Read moreHi, so did you went for a check? what did the doc say.. i had exactly the same experience as you... i thought it was fine until i went for check.. not only the symptoms all gone.. my baby also.. sad news for me that time..i hope you dont have to go through like me...
Sleep. Sleep made me feel better. I barely went out, only went out to work cos no choice. No social interactions after work too. I WAS THAT TIRED AND SLEEPY. But it got better after trimester 1 ☺️ Hang it there!!!!
The symptoms comes and goes for me. I just went to doc and requested morning sickness med and reflux med to keep my nausea at bay.
The symptoms can fluctuate in intensity. if you're worried, do speak to your gynae.
some mommies had no symptoms