Having a baby more than one?

hello.. I just gave birth 5 months ago. I started to think having 1 is enough and I don’t plan on getting another baby. I can’t cope and i felt that having another one in future will tire me more. Am i even allowed to make such decision?

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hey, its ok to feel that way and if u decide on having one n only one thats totally fine. 'raising a child takes a village' try to ask for help from ur hubby/parents/inlaws/siblings when u really need to cos u need to take care of urself too. sometimes its hard to ask for help cos we feel like we're burdening other people or we just find it hard to trust other ppl w our baby n its normal to feel that way. try to get even if its just an hour of extra uninterrupted sleep/nap/rest while someone else looks after ur baby for a while. the first year of the baby's life will feel looong but it will past by fast so we'll take it one day at a time. maybe after 3-5years u can think abt having another one if u want or no more 😅 up to u. hope this helps.

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4y ago

You make my day! thank you!

Hi Mum, It is completely fine if you think that having only 1 baby is enough as it really is a matter of how well and comfortably are you able to raise your child. I would suggest that do have a transparent conversation with your husband so that both of you are able to openly discuss and decide. But remember that any decision both of you take is best for the family

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It's ok and it's your choice not any one else because at the end of the day it's you who'll be raising the child. You do you. And if family/relatives keeps pestering or hinting you to have another one, just shut them off. Nobody has the right to make decisions for you.

4y ago

super agree. taking care is very different from playing. just follow your heart

Yes! Of course you can make such decision! I also decided on that too! Children is a lot of work! So I told my husband I don’t intend to have a second one. If you’re really tired, please remember to ask for help. Take a break once a while! Don’t stress out!

Get your husband to help you. If the decision of having more children depend on him, make him do the work! Let him know 1 child is tiresome enough, will he be able to take care when there’s 2 or 3 children? Try and talk to him also, convincing takes time😝.