5 Replies

Don’t even worry or stress on whether bm or fm. Cause nobody can tell it apart once your child is all grown up! Many more milestones coming up and that is more important! Fm doesn’t mean sub par and bm doesn’t guarantee anything. With all the social medias, it’smore like a mom’s pride thingy now. Adding unnecessary stress to mothers who can’t bf for whatever reason or those who choose not to.

Nothing wrong with feeding formula milk as it also contains nutrients necessary for your baby to grow. Your mental health matters more because if you are always stressed out with providing breast milk for your baby then you won't be in 100% condition to take care of your baby as well

Honestly depends on your mental health. I pump and give my baby breastmilk when I can, I also give FM. Sometimes it’s like at night breastmilk, during the day when she at IC, give formula.

No hard and fast rule. Fed is best! my gynae told me she fed her kids FM and they are perfectly fine!


i had really low supply... might b coz m easily stressed... tried to drag BF out just past 6m with FM

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