I feel everything around me is disgusting! Some food smell, some scent, some image, etc... Anyone experience this during early pregnancy? #firsttimemom #firstbaby

thats normal. usually those irritating feelings go away on your 2nd trimester. but on 3rd trimester, u will get more annoyed especially towards people. haha. because ur pregnant, ur tired due to lack of sleep, hungry all the time, wanna pee every 30 minutes 🤣 i also got annoyed when my baby is too active and kicking me right on the ribs. 🥲
Baca lagiyeah me too.. onion, my husband body odour, perfume, toothpaste, garlic and many things actually i feels not right or i dont like..trismester 1 really hateful.. it will dissappear after 4months pregnancy..enjoy yr pregnancy journey because u will missed it after labor.
thats normal mommy, i dont cook until i deliver and i avoid social gathering too. Seeing and talking with people annoyed me. I also hate certain relatives for no reason, sleep many hours and refused to eat all types of meat.
Normal mum. Now im in 14w but still didnt like people around me 😂 easy to angry. Hate raw fish. In my 1st trimester i throw the fish outside from house 😂 dont know why
Yes, same here. I rather in bed all day no interaction with anyone/anything. I want to vomit all the time for 5 months then everything is better after that.
I haven’t through this experienced but my mom has been told me she have this experienced. Mostly she cannot stand with smell of raw fish etc.
samalah. masa mengandung saya tak suka dengar orang sekeliling bercakap banyak. paling benci, bila orang bercakap dengan saya.
i couldn’t be in the kitchen or even look at the fridge, so i only cooked like 3 times before my baby was born 😂
That happened to me during my 1st trimester. I even hate those people around me. Its normal.
I just feel like staying at a safe place and isolate myself at this moment.
it's normal. try to control it & enjoy the moments ☺💐
Nurturer of 1 sunny prince