I am a ebm mom and I pump 8 times a day at interval of 3hrs round the clock @ 80-100 ml each time, recently my supply have been up and down and twice I couldn't keep up with his demand and supplement with formula. My mother in law insist that my breast milk Is going to deplete and want me to switch to formula totally which I am against as baby is only 3 weeks old. How do I increase my supplies, I am currently taking fenugreek (twice a day at 2 capsules each time) and fish oil (once a day at 2 capsules each time). my mother in law also insist that each time baby cries it indicates that he is hungry and tend to force feed or waste my breast milk as it will be thrown away if he can't finish it.

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thank you for the replies, will breastfeed as long as i can and supplement when I am running low, and yes, fed is best. I guess its the support I needed at home rather than drastic measures because its the easy way out. thankfully hubby strongly support my decision. will try on various options to boost supplies, so far fenugreek hasn't give my baby much problem, will monitor :)

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