4 Replies

Hi, The appointment can be for general check up to see if your stitches have healed, and to have a general conversation about how you are feeling and if there is something you are experiencing that you find worrisome or bothering you. She may also check your breasts and if any breastfeeding problem that you may be facing in the initial days. As sometimes, there is engorgement, or cracks in the nipple and it is difficult to feed the baby. Do not worry, even if all is well with you, having a general check up with the gynaecologist, especially when you have delivered a few backs is always good.

Hi all mommies will have this checkup after delievry . It is to check how is your wound healing and other things like asking about your mental health of other health issues. The Gynae will also try to do a Pap smear if your bleeding has stopped, if not you will be advised to do Pap smear later on. Don't worry this is routine follow up. Feel free to let your Gynae know any concerns you have including breastfeeding issues. She can refer you to lactation consultant

Ya, more of the check the wound and then to check the uterus and then to check on u if u still have any physical discomfort from the delivery. I dun know abt other Gyne but mine didn't really ask abt the mental or breastfeeding part. I heard u can get pills for increase breast milk (temporary effect) but my Gyne is v laid back one just ask me to top up e fm don't resort to pill. He also gave some cream to help w the prevention of scars

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