I am at 28 weeks now. I have yet to feel any kicks or movement from the baby. When do we usually start to feel baby movement?

You should feel your baby’s first movement between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy. You can check with your doctor to see if an ultrasound could be arranged if you are worried. There is a chance you may have missed the movements but by week 28, a baby’s movement should be quite well established. Your baby could likely be asleep during the day from the motions of your body. Pay attention to your baby when: - you have settled down for the night - after you have a snack (spikes in your blood sugar may give your baby an energy boost) - you are nervous (adrenalin may affect the baby as well) For more useful information, you could refer to these articles: http://www.webmd.com/baby/fetal-movement-feeling-baby-kick http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/fetal-movement
Read moreMost people should be able to feel baby's first movements, called "quickening," between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy. In my second pregnancy, I thought I will be more experienced, knowing how the baby's movement feels like and be able to identify the movements earlier. To my surprised, I couldn't feel any kicks or movement till about 25 weeks. When I went to my gynae for my scan, I was told that my placenta was actually cushioning the baby's kicks and movement. So you don't have to worry much about it. You're more likely to feel baby move when you're in a quiet position, either sitting or lying down. Also you may want to highlight this to your gynea on your next visit
Read moreAll women are different. It also depends if your baby is big or small. I felt my baby when I was in my 25 weeks but not much. They put me on CTG test when I was in my 28th week but my baby was not moving much because he always sleeps whenever they will do the test on me. You will feel the movements on your 30 weeks onwards probably. Maybe eat something sweet or drink lots of water so you would feel your baby’s movement. If nothing else work, ask your doctor to be sure.
Read moreIdeally, a woman experiences the baby's first movements, which are often called 'quickening,' between 16 weeks and 25 weeks into the pregnancy. However, first-time-mums may only experience these movements well into their 25th week. But if this your second pregnancy, you would feel it as early as the 13th week. https://sg.theasianparent.com/amazing-facts-babys-kicks-pregnancy
Read moreI felt movement starting at 15 weeks, which is earlier than average. There are many factors that can effect how much movement you feel such as baby's position, the position of the placenta, and mother's weight. I would talk to your OB and make sure it is one of these reasons and not something to be concerned about.
Read moreTell your dr you should be feelig the baby move by now. And also it could be that the movments are muffled because your placenta is in the front but tell your dr your not feeling the baby thats not good could be something wrong
You may not feel the movement much during the initial days but it will grow stronger as your progress into the pregnancy. It is best to monitor on a daily basis. You can consult your gynae on your next visit.
Check your gyna as soon as possible I am 28 weeks and my baby is active you should at least experience 10 kicks in one hours. My baby is so active that he keeps me out of sleep
18 weeks but I know everytime I get my ultrasound he is very active this is my first child so i had to really pay attention. I just left my hand on my stomach and felt kicks
You have to go to the doctor or hospital .it's uncommon ..you.should have felt some fluttering or slight movement by now.You should consult a doctor ammidiately.
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