I am at 28 weeks now. I have yet to feel any kicks or movement from the baby. When do we usually start to feel baby movement?

Its depends in your body figure. maybe not feel yet because of fatty layer of body.more than that go check with hospital. they can try to test heartbeat.
ussually pag mhinhin c baby its a girl...ganyan kc yung baby girl ko dto...kaya nkailang paultrasound ako kc hnd tlg xa ganun kalikot...
I felt mine everyday and am 29weeks today ...I noticed my baby doesn't kick and move the way he used to dont know if anyone has felt this way
I couldn’t feel anything until around 20 weeks. If you have an anterior placenta or if it’s your first time it can take longer to feel
I m in my 23rd weeks n also din feel any movement as well.... Abit worrying also... next week I gg to visit my gynae soon...
i start to feel a tiny kick when my baby was 14 weeks 🥰 now she’s 32 weeks, hope all goes well for me
If you are a first time mom you will feel it at 22 weeks but if you are not then you will feel it at 16 or 18 weeks
20 weeks i feel the smooth kick.. Now at 24 weeks.. Super likot.. May time na pag sumipa bigla k nlng naiihi..
am at 16 weeks now. . but my weight 41 ..so anyone can tell me..how can i gain my weight??
We are close to 27 weeks, my baby is so active, even at night cannot sleep bcoz of her movements, lol :)
simply fallen in love with my little one