feeling depressed
i am 6 dpp and am currently pumping 60ml per pump. I tried direct latching for 5 days and its killing me - baby not latching well due to short nipples. is pumping 60ml too little? my S1 just died on me, is there any good comparable pump to recommend?

60ml is a lot, for me at least - i was inly pumping 15-30ml for the first few weeks! Keep hydrated and try milk boosters or power pump (may risk oversupply though if starting at these early stages). May want to see a LC if you want to let baby latch. I'm using Hegen.
How frequent do you pump? 60 is a lot for 6 dpp https://kellymom.com/hot-topics/pumping_decrease/
I try to pump every 3 to 4 hourly round the clock as I also direct latch baby in between. First 5 days I had been latching on demand, sometimes as long as 1 hour or as frequent as every hourly. However the CL wanted to top up baby with expressed bm or fm after every latch. I am having a hard time catching up. ☹