Threatened Miscarriage

Hi all, I am 5 weeks preg and this is my 4th. 2 days ago I experience mild bleeding like in pic, only appears when I wipe with tissue. Lasted only for a day. Never had this issue for the first 3 pregnancy. Had ultrasound done yesterday and baby was moving, but unable to hear heartbeat yet as doctor says it’s too early to use that feature for the machine. Doctor diagnose it as threatened miscarriage and issued progestogen pills. Anyone experience same issue and went on to give birth successfully?

Threatened Miscarriage
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sorry this may be out of topic ; this had me remember 2years ago i had a threatened miscarriage due to stress living with my ex . but I wasn't issued any medication as the unborn baby came out on the speculum when the gynae did a cervix check on me🥲 & told me that the baby isn't growing inside womb . but I was happy to find out I was pregnant again after 2 months of miscarriage. i have a 4month old now 🥰

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Talk to your doctor about the best way to manage your miscarriage. There are a variety of options available, including medication and/or surgery. Try to relax and take things one day at a time. Miscarriage is a difficult experience, but it can eventually pass.

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2y ago

Thanks, baby was doing ok at last ultrasound 2 weeks ago :)

I had daily bleeding all my first trimester till till maybe 18weeks, gynae couldn’t find a cause for it and was given duphaston and protulon jabs. Now 27weeks and everything progressing well

2y ago

👍🏼 I seem to stop having day time bleeding from 9 weeks onwards.. but at times experience a lil bleeding during and after intercourse.. can’t wait for next check up 😊

I was on 6 weeks 3xdaily progesterone pills and weekly 2x hormones jab for 5 weeks and 5 weeks hospitalisation leave to stabilise preg in 1st tri. now my boy is 3 years plus

yes.. any bleeding that has no clear identified cause they label as threatened miscarriage. mine was like that. now healthy baby at 4 months

2y ago

Glad to hear that! My Ultrasound was gd at 8 weeks. I am at 10 weeks now :) no bleeding for the past 2 weeks except for slight bleed one time during sex 😬 next day all ok again.

just relax, stay positive and monitor. may all be well.