Pregnancy bump
I am 4mths pregnant. however, why my bump seems not to get bigger? is this normal? my stomach seems to look like the same for the past mth

It is normal, mine is also not obvious at 33weeks now. Don’t need to worry about physical bump size. Just make sure baby is of a good size/weight during your scans, if got any problem gynae will let you know.
Probably will show up later, as long as bb is healthy n correct weight, good enough. U r blessed that its not stretched. Easier to loss after birth.
It's totally normal 😅 my mom belly only showed up at 7 months when she was carrying me. And now am preggy, I think I also follow my mom 🤣
Everyone has different patterns to pregnancy. Just enjoy not having the bump yet. It will eventually show itself soon
It’s normal as every individual varies. As long as ur baby growth is normal, there’s nothing to worry about.
Mine only bump up in month 5 and even more in trimester 3, I think it’s fine as long as baby is growing weight
As long as ur baby is growing then is fine. It also means that u hv firm tummy muscles. Isnt that good?!!😊
As Long as doc says your weight gain is ok then don’t worry too much. Every Mother body is different
It is normal! Even at 22 weeks, my belly is still not obvious unless I wear bodycon clothes.
Yes it’s normal as Long as baby putting on weight. My bump was small too