2 Replies

there is 2 way options . thru MSF Ur own families / relatives . thru MSF , MSF already have range of temporary or permanent foster or adopted parents but they are mutual agreements by law between 3 parties ,if the kid grow up and touch wood got some trouble with the law , decide not go back foster / adoptive parents house , may end up in institutional home till 21 . just to share . I went thru teenage pregnancy n unwillingly need to gave my child away due to my age and incapability at that point of time . I choose my maternal aunt instead of binding with the law ... I know if I were to choose MSF , there is definitely no turning back .. I have not been taking her back regularly eventough she in my aunt care .. now she is 11 year old ... I am not saying that putting adoption with MSF is a good option .. You really need to have lots of mental strength to handle it in times of future .. u can't access to meet, visit , call at Ur own convenience .. u need to go thru the officer in charge first before anything . adoptive parents will also need to go thru pre adoption briefing , submitting all necessary documents to juvenile court . MSF will conduct a thorough process about 3-6 months or maybe longer . once finalized agreement then adoptive parents takeover . the whole process might take more then a year depending on case basis .

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