3 Balas

You may try a steam orange a a natural remedy . Firstly, you need to cut half and poke with fork to loose it bit then add a dash of pink salt on both sides. Cover it again or secure it with a rubber band or some toothpick, place it in a bowl and steam under boiling water for 5 mins. Once done, just eat the whole orange. It would nourishes your lungs and helps on throat irritations.

btuk yg truk tu lg bhya jika dibiarkan..Sis try mnum madu dgn perahan air limau sikit...Xpon refer doc sb batuk..Nty doc cek dan bg ubt btuk yg sesuai utk ibu..Ubt jgn beli sbrgn kt mna2..Kena rjuk doc dlu..

Hai..sama la sis..sy smpai 2 bulan baru ok batuk..ad pg klinik tp dr tk bg mkn ubat batuk..macam2 petua cuba..last minum lemon suam campur madu..sy mnum 2 kali sehari..alhamdulillah batuk sy da ok

Tq 💕

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