3 Replies

Your baby may bring up small amounts of milk (possetting) or occasionally vomit after eating. He may also have hiccups and cough and splutter a little. This is normal and, as long as your baby is otherwise well, you don't need to worry. Just make sure you always have a tissue or muslin square to hand. I wont say lower birth rate babies are prone to more issues. My older biy eas 2.6kg too with no health issue. My second boy was 3.1kg and discharged from hospital, within 2 months returned for menegitis, a month later for bronchiolitis. Its hard to try to convince and pointless to debate or argue about it. I would say its more imprtant that you the mummy knows whats best for your child and not let what others say affect you aftet checking and studing what you may have doubts about. In this case, despitse feeling upset, you too have raised it up and want to reconfirm if you could be wrong too. Thats more then enough for baby. You are a good mommy. :) give yourself a pat on the back for that. Regarding your family, do not argue with them. They mean well too. Then again, they may not have the same understanding as you and that is alright. It is okay for them to keep their thoughts, and so the same for you. Cheer up darling, smile and have a great day okay! Hugs

Hey mummy, I hope you won't take their comments to heart. It's easy for them to speculate and try to attribute any observation which they feel would fit their theory. Reflux is common in babies. Here are some tips to help reduce reflux in babies: - Adjusting the positioning of your baby (reflux is worst when baby is lying flat on his/her back) - Avoid compressing your baby’s abdomen - Eliminate tobacco smoke exposure, keeping the environment smoke-free - Relax the baby Try these to help baby feel better. In the meantime, take care of yourself and try not to let their comments affect you. Like what Ling mentioned, there is no need to try to convince them. What matter more is that baby is developing well now. Hang in there!!

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