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How supportive is your management when it came to take hospitalization leave, medical leaves, maternity leaves and childcare leaves? My 2 colleagues whom just finished their maternity resigned as management made them feel burden. As they were also told not to expect year end bonus due to their performance during pregnancy.

My bosses were supportive. I planned to work till D-day but they encouraged to take a week or 2 before to rest. I didn't take leave before delivering so i asked to work from home for a week instead. I also changed my mat leave plan half way through but they were ok. I guess because both of them are mothers themselves, and one of them was also pregnant just before i delivered, so they tend to be more understanding.
Read 1 week Hospitalisation Leave was converted to NO PAY LEAVE, ONE week salary GONE, MD insisted I did not inform him I'm on Hospitalisation Leave, so he rejected. If employee will make complaint to MOM must prepare to get job lost
So true, 1 week pay gone is better than lossing job especially during pregnancy period.
I didnt know love has a sound until I heard your heartbeat ?