How soon can I start reading to my son. My son is two and I can’t wait getting started!

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I started when my Son is 4 months old. I don’t care if he understood back then. Never underestimate a child’s ability to learn at whatever age he is.

Start now!!! The earlier you start, the quicker she'll recognise words and before you know it, she'll be reading every single book on your bookshelf! :-)

i think u can now babies understand when we talk they just cant answer back look at his reaction while reading ah book wit pictures

VIP Member

Start now! My 16mo started with picture books and now he loves lift-the-flap ones cos he gets to be 'involved' in reading :)

Right now - this is a great time to start and fun exercise to do together especially if you're good at funny voices! :)

It’s better to start now as kids brain cells grow faster at this age and they tend to learn and remember many things


You can read to him now. Start with simple stories with big fonts then progress to longer stories as he grows older.

VIP Member

You may do it now, evwn if he can't really understand what you're doing, he feels safe and sound.

Start as soon as possible. Even though they don’t understand now, they are learning.

start now! :) it’s going to be one of your best moments with your child. Have fun!