How should I stop a 6month baby yelling? Scared she hurt her throat. She used to be a lovely baby and keep smiling to everyone. But I found these days she are less smiling but keep yelling..

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Baby screaming is just a growing up phase.They like to yell to hear their own voices and at times they like to scream to see the reaction that comes from their parents. You can talk to her, telling her that 'we can't scream in resturant or we don't scream too loud. Try to distract her when she start screaming. You can also verbalize what she is likely feeling: "Are you screaming to see your friend? That's wonderful! Let's give her a hug." Verbalizing as well as distracting might help to minimize some of the screaming. When she's older, she can comprehend better and she will grow out of it.

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