How old does your baby experience separation anxiety? Any tips to help them cope with the transition to infantcare?

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Separation anxiety can show up in kids as young as 8to10 months; and can continue well until he turns four. It is however, a common issue in most kids and nothing to worry about. Unless, of course, it is more than just anxiety over staying away from parents for too long and turns into major tantrums. The best way to deal with this situation then is to practice separation with your kids so they get used seeing you coming and going at intervals. You can leave your kid in the care of a caregiver for a brief period till he gets used to the routine. You can ever schedule separation after naps and feedings, especially if he is younger than one year. Babies can be the most susceptible when they are tired or hungry. You should also develop a ‘goodbye’ schedule such as kissing goodbye. Make sure to keep things quick and leave without fanfare, so your kid knows this is not a big deal. if your little one is a toddler, you can create familiar surroundings where ever he goes.Like asking a sitter to come over to asking your kid to bring his favourite project where he goes. Most importantly, reassure your child that all will be just fine.

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