Shower during confinement
How often do you shower during confinement? Daily, once every 2 days or .... I was thinking how many confinement herbal bath to buy

Highly recommend the Ohmmm Canopy Powder Shampoo for hair washing during confinement! You only need very minimal water for this to lather up and the feeling of having clean hair in this humid weather is indescribable! New mummies can try it out for free here:
Read moreDaily with the herbal bath, shower in the morning and wipes body in the evening during the first week, after that twice a day. Can't take it if don't shower in this kind of weather.
Showered daily! Singapore is so hot and humid. Plus you will sweat a lot more after giving birth, it is the body's way of removing excess fluids accumulated throughout pregnancy.
1st time 2nd week 2nd time 3rd week 3 times 3 day daily before confinement end. Total 5 times with herbal. Daily only wipes with hot watee and rice wine.
Read moreOnce a day either in the morning or afternoon. Wash hair once every 2-3 days. Shower with warm water and finish off with herbal bath water.
Twice daily cause so hot lately and I can feel myself sweating a lot. Better to keep it clean and hygiene.
I bought confinement herbal bath for 28 days use. Showered daily but washed hair only once every few days.
i had herbal bath once daily for 30 days.. but can shower up to 3 times on some days.. sg very humid
Every 2 days with herbal bath. Washed my hair about 2-3 days. Need to blow dry after that
bath everyday for hygiene purpose, you hv a newborn you need to be as clean as possible.