How much cash do you get as part of baby bonus? And when is it paid out?

It depends on the birth order of your child. Kids 1 and 2 get $8,000 and subsequent children get $10,000. - First 50% within 7-10 working days of the child's birth registration* or after the child joins the scheme - Second 25% when the child turns 6 months - old Last 25% when the child turns 12 months old There are also matching dollar for dollar CDA deposits. $6,000 for kids 1 & 2, $12,000 for kids 3 & 4, $18,000 for kids 5 and more.
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To add on to Jamie, if your payout date falls on a Sunday or a Public holiday, you would get it a few days earlier. For example, my son's payout date falls on a Sunday, and I received it on Friday.