How many weeks pregnant were you when you found out you were pregnant?

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Lmao i was 7 months pregnant when i found out 😂 irregular periods and a small pouch me thinking it was all the lockdown eating sat infront of the telly x

2weeks+ ,it would have been more than that if not for the tooth ache that I had, which required an xray and I had to do a pregnancy test before I go for it.

I was already on my 8th week when I tested positive. I had hints that I was pregnant but I was to scared to take the PT. It was a crazy first time for me!

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i was 6 weeks. Haha.. And i didnt know about it and went to USS to play all the roller coasters rides .. Then i got a positive before i missed my period !

6 weeks 🥺❤️ I had cravings but I thought it was due to my incoming period... but it wasn't. Then I started having vomits all day

I found out when I was 13weeks.. got to the doctor thinking I was 2 to 3 weeks only to find a fully developed baby 😁😁😁😁

Im already 8weeks and i found out when i was 6 weeks. But i already suspected when i was in my 5th week during my holiday in Busan.

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3-4 weeks! We were trying to conceive so i took pregnancy tests regularly once a week (sometimes twice because i was too excited).

For me literally a day after my missed period. I had nausea for a few days after and finally decided to take a test.