Night feedings
Hello! How long are your LO sleeping at night? Do you wake them up every 3 hours for feeding?

My first one was after 6 weeks. Doctor said it’s ok not to wake up as long as weight gain is ok and feed more during daytime. Second one is after one month. He’s 2 months plus now. He’s taking milk every 2-2.5 hours during day time. Anyway this will depend on baby. As long as their growth is ok, don’t need to wake up I guess.
Read moreIf LO weight is good, I’d suggest not to wake them up. Trust that they will let u know when they need milk and maybe this is a good time to transition to more daytime feeding. Since 2mths my LO starts stretching night feed to 4hr. Close to 3 months and she sleeps around 6-7hrs before asking for milk.
Read moreI feed on demand after the first 2 weeks. LO will usually wake up 2-3 hourly for nb days, subsequently stretching hours then slowly STTN.