How long bb grow teeth?
How long took bb to grow teetch?
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Every child is different but it should be between 7 to 9 months, though my son had his when he was 5 months old and my daughter when she was 8 months old. When they start drooling a lot, teeth should erupt in 1-2 months or so
It starts from 6 months onwards but depends on each baby’s growth and metabolism activities as well
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First 2 bottom tooth cut through at 6 months old. 3 tooth cutting through top at coming 7months old.
Super Mum
But some babies can grow a bit of teeth when 1-2months
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13 month to erupt. Now about 10 at 19 mth
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11 months for me depends on individual
Mine 2 teeth at one go at 5 month okd
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Mine 10 teeth at 19 months now
Mine started growing at 5mo+
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mine came around 10 months
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