Pregnancy after csect
How long should i wait? & Better to go for another csect or vbac? Considering the following factors: 1: idw big gap between 1st & 2 nd child. 2: the idea of vbac is like "damaging" 2 places ?
How many years apart you want your child to be? Initially I wanted 5 years apart but it didnt go as plan😂I wasnt on any birth control so that was expected but hey my 1st child is 3 year old this year and 2nd is only 4 months old, oklah not bad just nice the gap. As for VBAC, if you rlly wanna try for normal delivery, there are gynae specialises on VBAC :)
Read moreMy gynae says after one year can start trying for baby again. Csect or vbac is up to you since different doctors have different opinions, mine says there are recent research that csect after csect has less risk than vbac. You can do your own research and decide for yourself.
Ideal gap after a c-sect is at least 2 years; gives your body time to heal. If after assessing your condition and your gynae is not against it, you may. I would. 😊
You should try for another baby in 15 months
After 3 years can try for vbac