How long did you exclusively breastfeed for?

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Before I gave birth, I was so determined to breastfeed for at least 6 months because I read of all the good benefits plus, I get to save from buying expensive formula milks. After I gave birth, that all changed. I struggled so much with breastfeeding, my son refused to latch on and on top of that, my ex husband was neglecting us and was having an affair. Each session was a nightmare and we'll both end up in tears. Eventually I decided enough was enough; I wanted to enjoy my newborn and not fight and struggle with him. I wanted to create happy memories and not of us constantly crying so I gave up. Sure, sometimes I fee guilty for "taking the easy way out" but I never regreted making that decision. At least I got to bond with my son and be happy ☺️

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Most of my friends try to breastfeed exclusively for at least till their babies are one-year old. They would then introduce regular milk. A few had to stop after six months as they have returned to work and it was not easy for them to pump and had a hard time trying to keep up with the supply. There are some who are still breastfeeding (children are beyond 18 months now) and would try to continue till their little ones indicate that they want to stop.

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It is recommended to exclusively breastfeed for at least 6 months and baby should be introduced solids by then. I have been breastfeeding for 7 months now with a meal of solid everyday.

I bf both my children till 10 months but at 4-5 months, they were intro semi solid food on top of bf. It was tough as I am a working mother and supply dropped when I returned to work.