6 Replies

Kids Do know how to do it unless we teach them how. Make the LO clean up by making it fun!! Like using a basket or a big IKEA box and create a adventure for them. Image that they are Farmers collecting daily harvests or Pirates finding treasures on the floor. Parents can join in and help. Do Not make it like a chore and force them to do it as they may not enjoy anymore, create even more mess!!! and will hate doing it. FUN = CLEAN

As young as possible. At 1 year old i started practicing with my bub. I sang a clean up song and cleaned up together with him of course at a year old he never did anything. But i realized they learn by seeing and through time he cleans up till date to the extend that he puts back the tiy where he took it from.

I started since she could crawl.. I would say "keep" and show her how to keep. 2-3months later she was "keeping" everything even when her siblings are still playing. 😂😂

Not happening..You'll just have to develop callused feet.
