Encourage walking
How do you encourage your toddler to walk? Any ideas? My toddler is 14 months but only like to hold the furniture to walk..

If he's holding on furniture means he's not quite stable enough yet. It's totally fine to hold on since he's still getting some walking practice. If you want to encourage him to walk freely, try waving a toy from middle of the room so he needs to let go to go to you. Make sure the floor is padded in case he falls
Read moreBabies achieved milestones at different times. When he's fully ready to take the steps, he will walk. Am also facing the same thing presently. Although mine can stand alone without holding on to anything
they will just walk suddenly when they want to I tried encouraging my baby end up she dislike it. I stop for 2 week one fine day she just start with 4 steps
Hey mama! He’s just cruising...literally. Trust me, he’ll make up for lost time and once he starts running, he won’t stop :)
Thanks for the kind answer
Hi, I think you need not worry as he seems to be on the right path :) Enjoy these moments
I think no serious needs for concern
New mum