How do I prevent and remove stretchmarks? I bought some stretchmark creams to apply but it doesn't seem very effective.

1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Include vitamin C, vitamin E and proteins in your regular diet. These improve elasticity, increase collagen production, and help in tissue repair and growth. 2. Drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated. You can also consume anti oxidant-rich black, white or green tea. 3. Keep moisturizing - don't need expensive creams - any oil will do.
Read moreUnfortunately, stretchmarks can't really be removed, unless you go for surgery. It can be lightened though. Many mothers use Clarins or BioOil. You can also consume more foods with healthy fats like avocado to increase your Vit E intake, which is beneficial for your skin.
A friend tried this and it really worked. She got aloe vera plant and took the juice (Slice the plant in half and scrape the gel between the plant leave). Mix with coconut oil and apply every day for 3 months (twice a day). Her stretch marks were half improved!
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My bb is 1 year and 1 mmonth she starting to walk. .Im just scared and fell nervous cause she always fall ,what ways i prevent this?
Hi Mommies! NLighten Body Cream is very effective. It helps lighten stretchmarks. To order, you can reach me through +639065269957.

You have to prevent it even before they appear. They only lighten to become silver lines but don't disappear once formed.
