FTM: Friends/Family & Social Life
How do you deal with friends/family who schedules meet up in the evening? Most of them expects you to turn up with the baby and stay till late, but I’m not willing to mess up my lo sleep schedule which is at 8-9pm.

If I cant make it, ill let them know. Otherwise, if I can go. Ill go ahead with the plans. Because not everyone will have a suitable time to accommodate each other schedule. Therefore, most of the time either yes/no. However, on the other side if I wish to join despite the sleeping time, ill make sure I have a quiet area for my LO to sleep. If if it is once awhile kind of meet up why not? Ill join.
Read moreIll just inform i cant make it, even if its multiple times of occasions. Ever since having a baby gg out in the evening or around bedtime is a no no unless unavoidable. I dont want to risk messing up baby’s schedule cs he’ll be overtired and very cranky. And scared the day after also same. My baby> everything
Read moreNope I will let them know I can't do evenings so they shld go ahead to meet without me. Or I wld open up my house for the gathering IF my baby no longer cluster feeds ard that time. My friends always respect my boundaries.
we usually meet up at the friend's house with baby so the baby can sleep while we adults catch up. we seldom meet outside. if meet outside, will not bring baby.
I simply won’t go. I have rejected all requests to visit my baby since day 1 till now.