Two weeks wait
Hi, how do you cope with the 2 weeks wait? I done my IUI last week and i got no sign no implantation etc (today is 7th day after IUI). I'm worried and and having emotional rollercoaster since I ttc few months back (33yo with PCOS)

just check preg test before menses due date which will makes u more comfort...i did 3 times IUI, the waiting part was really kills us so decided to do my preg test let my mentally prepare... wish u Good luck!!!! All the best!!!
Really chill and relax and don’t think so much. Don’t even Google as it will affect u mentally! Two weeks is very fast :) Watch Netflix babe:)
Only a bit of symptoms just before getting the result. Don’t think too much and relax k, so that it won’t affect the treatment/body.
Just try to relax and do something that helps to take your mind off it:)
Sending positive vibes, mummy. Hang in there!